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Write for Us


While we are happy with the writers we have, we are always open to hearing from prospective writers are also survivalists, craftsmen, firearm enthusiasts, outdoorsmen, and all-around skilled people to become contributors for SHTF Blog. You can share your knowledge, get paid, and have fun doing it!

What we are looking for:  Passionate people who are into preparedness and self-reliance. You need to know the difference between they’re, there, and their. You need to know when to use a comma and when to use a semicolon.

You must be well-versed in prepping at large or in niche areas within prepping (e.g. communications, bushcraft, etc.).

What we are NOT looking for:  People who want to write articles for the sole purpose of generating links back to other sites. We do not sell links or give links for free articles, so don’t bother contacting us for that. We are very protective of our site and limit the number of writers we use.

Still interested?

Please send an email to derrick(at)prepperpress.com and put “Write for SHTF Blog” in the subject line. Tell us what your background in writing is, where your interests lie, and what would make you a great asset to the SHTF Blog team!

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